Most running injuries are curable by simple techniques.
The internet is full of tips on how to cure all sorts of common injuries; Achilles tendinitis, Runners’ knee, illiotibial [...]
The internet is full of tips on how to cure all sorts of common injuries; Achilles tendinitis, Runners’ knee, illiotibial [...]
Injury breakdown point, what is it? Hard training without sufficient rest can cause injury breakdown An injury breakdown point [...]
A running injury is common due to repetitive foot strike. Unless you are unlucky enough to badly sprain [...]
Running injuries are not an act of God! Your training is going like a dream. Your weekly mileage [...]
Summer time is bike time.... The 3 basic reasons for cycling injuries I'm seeing many types of cyclist [...]
With the Brighton marathon in ten days time and the London marathon coming up on 23rd April I have already [...]
Neck pain is an increasingly common problem in today’s sedentary world where we spend long periods of time seated looking [...]
Spring is on its way! And at this time of the year that I often find people limping in to my massage [...]
At last I have moved my sports massage clinic home! Not right into my home you’ll understand, with a boisterous [...]