At last I have moved my sports massage clinic home! Not right into my home you’ll understand, with a boisterous Staffordshire Bull Terrier in residence. Perhaps this wouldn’t be the best way to induce relaxation and healing as my clients arrive for their treatment.
Westcroft Leisure Centre
But I now have the next best thing, a clinic room that is five minutes drive from my front door. I have set up my practice in the Westcroft Leisure Centre, Carshalton, within the Surrey Health and Beauty Spa. This varied facility offers a whole range of fantastic treatments to anyone who is looking to take care of their body.
Since qualifying in Sports and Remedial Massage in 2005 I have worked at three clinics, the nearest one being at Epsom. I drove to Leatherhead three times a week for the last seven years . Don’t get me wrong I had a great time there and was extremely busy to boot. But after a full clinic I did not look forward to the drive home particularly on winding dark roads over Epsom Downs.
Now all I have to do is potter to my car in the large free car park at the Westcroft. I am home and on the settee in the time it used to take me to get round the Leatherhead one way system.
And a base at the Westcroft Leisure Centre with easy parking is so convenient. Many of my clients come from Sutton, Cheam, Banstead and Wallington by car for their sports massage.
Sports massage clinic within the Spa
The other thing I really like about the Surrey Health and Beauty Spa is the plush and spacious waiting area. As you arrive you are greeted by Linda our friendly receptionist. You can relax on a comfy sofa if you are early for your massage. This environment is a big change for me, it is often busy with other clients coming in for a variety of osteopathic and beauty treatments. The lively atmosphere is welcoming and fun. There is a lot of positive energy kicking off with chat between the clients and therapists and the phone ringing. However the clinic rooms are quiet and we can dim the lighting making a calm atmosphere for your sports massage.
All in all I am very excited about this new opportunity. I currently run sports massage clinics from 2 till 8pm on a Monday and Thursday, and on Saturday afternoons. I have a feeling that I am going to be very happy here and in the summer I may even walk to work!